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December 20, 2024: Graphic Novels and Novels in Verse

This week’s newsletter is about graphic novels and novels in verse.

December 13, 2024: Literacy in All Subjects

This week’s newsletter is about literacy in all subjects..

December 6, 2024: Gratitude

This week’s newsletter is about the importance of gratitude.

November 22, 2024: Vulnerability

This week’s newsletter is about fostering strong connections.

November 8, 2024: Growing Writers

This week’s newsletter is about growing writers.

November 1, 2024: A Community of Secondary Readers

This week’s newsletter is about nourishing a community of secondary readers.

October 25, 2024: Talking Politics?

This week’s newsletter is about talking politics with students.

October 18, 2024: Learning to Collaborate

This week’s newsletter is about helping students learn to share ideas.

October 11, 2024: A Community of Readers

This week’s newsletter is about building a reading community.

October 4, 2024: A Love of Books

This week’s newsletter is about the power of learning to love books.

September 27, 2024: No Struggle, No Story

This week’s newsletter is about planning narratives.

September 20, 2024: Tough Ones

This week’s newsletter is about small connections that make a big difference.

September 13, 2024: Create Space

This week’s newsletter is about protecting time and space for learning.

September 6, 2024: Beginning a New School Year

This week’s newsletter is about beginning a new school year.

August 30, 2024: Belonging

This week’s newsletter is about belonging.

August 9, 2024: Good Vibes to Start the School Year

This week’s newsletter is full of good vibes to start the school year.

August 2, 2024: School and Classroom Libraries

This week’s newsletter is about school and classroom libraries.

July 26, 2024: Spinning Ideas for the New School Year

This week’s newsletter is full of inspiring ideas for the new school year.

June 28, 2024: Summer Reading

This week’s newsletter is full of booklists to help with your summer reading.

June 21, 2024: Fluency

This week’s newsletter is about building fluency.

June 14, 2024: Thinking More Deeply About Characters

This week’s newsletter is about thinking more deeply about characters.

June 7, 2024: Nurture Independence

This week’s newsletter is about nurturing independence.

May 31, 2024: Don’t Miss the Joy

This week’s newsletter is about finding joy in our work.

May 24, 2024: Holiday Reading

This week’s newsletter is about the unexpected learning that happens over time.

May 17, 2024: What Surprises You?

This week’s newsletter is about the unexpected learning that happens over time.

May 10, 2024: Elevate Readers’ Thinking

This week’s newsletter is about elevating readers’ thinking.

May 3, 2024: Invaluable Teaching Tools

This week’s newsletter is about invaluable teaching tools.

April 26, 2024: Vocabulary

This week’s newsletter is about building vocabulary.

April 19, 2024: Informational Writing

This week’s newsletter is about informational writing.

March 22, 2024: Content Literacy

This week’s newsletter is about content literacy.

March 15, 2024: Differentiation

This week’s newsletter is about differentiation.

March 8, 2024: Word Study

This week’s newsletter is about word study.

March 1, 2024: Thinking Ahead to National Poetry Month

This week’s newsletter is about thinking ahead to National Poetry Month.

February 24, 2024: Firming Up Routines

This week’s newsletter is about firming up routines.

February 16, 2024: The Tough Ones

This week’s newsletter is about the tough ones

February 9, 2024: Speaking and Listening

This week’s newsletter is about the importance of listening.

February 2, 2024: Nourishing Growth

This week’s newsletter is about nourishing growth in students and educators.

January 26, 2024: Finding Joy in Learning

This week’s newsletter is about prioritizing joy in school.

January 19, 2024: Research Notes

This week’s newsletter is about students collecting research notes.

January 12, 2024: Poetry

This week’s newsletter is about poetry.

December 22, 2023: 10 Articles from 2023

This week’s newsletter is a roundup of 10 articles from 2023.

December 15, 2023: Top Issues from 2023

This week’s newsletter is a roundup of issues from 2023.

December 8, 2023: Curiosity

This week’s newsletter is about curiosity.

December 1, 2023: Care and Compassion

This week’s newsletter is about care and compassion.

November 17, 2023: Supporting Writers

This week’s newsletter is about supporting writers.

November 10, 2023: Beat Overwhelm!

This week’s newsletter is about beating overwhelm!

November 3, 2023: Reading Instruction

This week’s newsletter is about reading instruction.

October 20, 2023: Tools to Empower Engagement

This week’s newsletter is about tools that empower engagement.

October 13, 2023: Listening To and Hearing Students

This week’s newsletter is about listening to and hearing students.

October 6, 2023: Building Identity

This week’s newsletter is about building identity.

September 29, 2023: Craft Moves

This week’s newsletter is about craft moves for writers.

September 22, 2023: AI and Literacy Instruction

This week’s newsletter is about AI and literacy.

September 15, 2023: Writing Is Necessary

This week’s newsletter is about the importance of writing.

September 8, 2023: Nuances of Teaching Readers Part 2

This week’s newsletter is the second installment about the nuances of reading instruction.

September 1, 2023: Nuances of Teaching Readers

This week’s newsletter is about the nuances of reading instruction.

August 25, 2023: New Ways of Thinking

This week’s newsletter is about new ways of thinking.

August 18, 2023: Shared Experiences

This week’s newsletter is about shared experiences.

August 11, 2023: Nourishing Writers

This week’s newsletter is about nourishing writers

August 4, 2023: Getting Ready for a New Year

This week’s newsletter is about getting ready to start a new school year.

July 28, 2023: Reaching Readers

This week’s newsletter is about reaching all readers by deepening our instruction.

July 21, 2023: Routines for Readers

This week’s newsletter is about establishing routines for readers.

July 14, 2023: Encouraging Independence

This week’s newsletter is about encouraging independence in learners.

June 16, 2023: Independence in Writers

This week’s newsletter is about creating space for independence for writers.

June 9, 2023: Graphic Novels

This week’s newsletter is about graphic novels.

June 2, 2023: Uplifting Student Voices

This week’s newsletter is about uplifting student voices.

May 26, 2023: Extending Empathy

This week’s newsletter is about extending empathy.

Overcoming Challenges in Writing Workshop with Trauma-Informed Practices

Ruth Ayres shares three mindsets to help teachers prioritize connection over correction when teaching writers.

May 19, 2023: Celebrations

This week’s newsletter is about celebrations.

May 12, 2023: Opinion Writing

This week’s newsletter is about opinion writing.

QuickTake: Grading Student Writing

Ruth Ayres shares a process for grading student writing that improves efficiency and accuracy.

May 5, 2023: Our Youngest Readers

This week’s newsletter is about teaching primary readers.

April 28, 2023: Family Connections

This week’s newsletter is about family connections.

April 21, 2023: Slow Down and Listen

This week’s newsletter is about listening to students.

QuickTake: Choice in Making Plans for Writing

Ruth Ayres shares the importance of giving students choice when planning their writing projects.

April 14, 2023: The Beauty and Brilliance of Students

This week’s newsletter is about the brilliance and beauty of students.

March 24, 2023: Poetry

This week’s newsletter is about poetry.

March 17, 2023: Strengthening Turn-and-Talk

This week’s newsletter is about turn-and-talk.

March 10, 2023: Students as Teachers

This week’s newsletter is about students as teachers.

Learning to Listen During Turn-and-Talk

Ruth Ayres suggests three ways to help students intentionally listen during conversations such as a turn-and-talk.

March 3, 2023: Nobody Wants to Write

This week’s newsletter is about teaching writers when they don’t want to write.

February 24, 2023: Do Hard Things

This week’s newsletter is about helping students know they are capable of doing hard things.

February 17, 2023: Literacy Toolkits and Meaningful Lessons

This week’s newsletter is about literacy toolkits and meaningful lessons.

February 10, 2023: Rural Education

This week’s newsletter is about rural education.

February 3, 2023: Informational Writing

This week’s newsletter is about informational writing.

January 27, 2023: Powerful and Fun(!) Assessment

This week’s newsletter is about powerful and fun(!) assessment.

January 20, 2023: Story Elements and Author Studies

This week’s newsletter is about story elements and author studies.

January 13, 2023: Novels in Verse, Book Clubs, and More

This week’s newsletter is about novels in verse, book clubs, and more.

January 6, 2023: Joyful Learning Communities

This week’s newsletter is about joyful learning communities.

December 9, 2022: Awareness and Inclusivity

This week’s newsletter is about awareness and inclusivity.

December 2, 2022: Nourish Student Growth

This week’s newsletter is about nourishing student growth.

November 25, 2022: The Thanksgiving Issue

This week’s newsletter is about thanksgiving.

November 18, 2022: Benefits of Poetry

This week’s newsletter is about the benefits of poetry.

November 4, 2022: Engaging Secondary Students

This week’s newsletter is about engaging secondary students.

October 28, 2022: Getting to Know Digital Learners

This week’s newsletter is about getting to know digital learners.

October 21, 2022: Ways to Hear and Respond to Student Voices

This week’s newsletter is about hearing and responding to student needs.

October 14, 2022: Renewing Student Energy

This week’s newsletter is about renewing student energy for learning.

September 30, 2022: Math and Literacy Connections

This week’s newsletter is about math and literacy connections.

September 23, 2022: Student-Built Classroom Libraries

This week’s newsletter is about student-built classroom libraries.

Quick Take: How Do Writers Get Started?

In this QuickTake video, Ruth Ayres shares different ways writers can enter a writing project.

September 16, 2022: Little Things That Make a Difference

This week’s newsletter is about little things that make a big difference in literacy instruction.

September 9, 2022: Setting the Year in Motion

This week’s newsletter is about setting the year in motion.

September 2, 2022: Choice in Book Selection

This week’s newsletter is about intentional inclusivity.

August 26, 2022: Intentional Inclusivity

This week’s newsletter is about intentional inclusivity.

August 19, 2022: Tailored Reading Instruction

This week’s newsletter is about tailoring reading instruction.

August 12, 2022: Getting to Know Students

This week’s newsletter is about getting to know students.

August 5, 2022: Texts to Start the Year

This week’s newsletter is about selecting texts to share at the start of the school year.

July 29, 2022: Create a Sense of Belonging

This week’s newsletter is about creating a sense of belonging for every student.

July 1, 2022: Booklists!

This week’s newsletter is about booklists.

June 24, 2022: Booklists!

This week’s newsletter is about booklists.

June 17, 2022: Booklists!

This week’s newsletter is about booklists.

June 10, 2022: Deeper Thinking

This week’s newsletter is about encouraging readers of all grade levels to go deeper in their synthesis and understanding of texts.

June 3, 2022: Celebrating Capability

This week’s newsletter is about celebrating learning.

May 27, 2022: Read Aloud with a Twist

This week’s newsletter is about creative ways to read aloud.

May 20, 2022: Finding Joy in Challenging Readers

This week’s newsletter is about finding joy in challenging readers.

May 13, 2022: End with a Bang!

This week’s newsletter is about ending the year in special ways.

May 6, 2022: Deepening Discussions Part 2

This week’s newsletter is the second of two installments about deepening discussions.

April 29, 2022: Deepening Discussions Part 1

This week’s newsletter is the first or two installments about deepening discussions.

April 22, 2022: Reading Invitations

This week’s newsletter considers reading invitations.

April 1, 2022: Poetry Part 2

This week’s newsletter is the second installment about poetry.

Poetry Part 1 Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss poetry on the podcast.

March 25, 2022: Poetry Part 1

This week’s newsletter is the first installment about poetry.

Rehearsal for Writers Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss student-led learning on the podcast.

March 18, 2022: Rehearsal for Writers

This week’s newsletter is about rehearsal for writers.

Making Data Personal Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss student-led learning on the podcast.

March 11, 2022: Making Data Personal

This week’s newsletter is about making data personal.

Student-Led Learning Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss student-led learning on the podcast.

March 4, 2022: Student-Led Learning

This week’s newsletter is about student-led learning.

February 24, 2022: Reading Identities

This week’s newsletter is about reading identities.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses Unbound: The Life + Art of Judith Scott

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses Unbound: The Life + Art of Judith Scott by Joyce Scott with Brie Spangler and Melissa Sweet.

February 18, 2022: Feedback to Writers (Part 2)

This week’s newsletter is the second installment about feedback to writers.

Feedback to Writers (Part 1) Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss feedback to writers on the podcast.

February 11, 2022: Feedback to Writers (Part 1)

This week’s newsletter is the first installment about feedback to writers.

Persuasive Writing Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss reflective practice on the podcast.

February 4, 2022: Persuasive Writing

This week’s newsletter is about persuasive writing.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses Outside, Inside LeUyen Pham

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss reflective practice on the podcast.

January 28, 2022: Word Work

This week’s newsletter is about word work.

Choice and Whole-Class Texts Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss reflective practice on the podcast.

January 21, 2022: Choice and Whole-Class Texts

This week’s newsletter is about choice and whole-class texts.

January 14, 2022: Be Present

This week’s newsletter is about being present.

Welcoming Spaces Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss reflective practice on the podcast.

January 7, 2022: Welcoming Spaces

This week’s newsletter is about welcoming spaces.

Reflective Practice Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss reflective practice on the podcast.

December 3, 2021: Reflective Practice

This week’s newsletter is about reflective practice.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses Octopus Stew

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses Octopus Stew by Eric Velasquez.

November 26, 2021: Courses Special Issue

This week’s newsletter is a special issue highlighting Choice Literacy courses.

Classroom Libraries Podcast

Melanie Meehan and Ruth Ayres discuss classroom libraries.

November 19, 2021: Classroom Libraries

Classroom libraries is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Encouragement for Readers and Writers Podcast

Cathy mere and Ruth Ayres discuss building connections beyond the classroom.

November 12, 2021: Encouragement for Readers and Writers

Encouragement for students as readers and writers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Formative Assessment From Share Sessions

Ruth Ayres outlines different kinds of share sessions and different formats for the share, including some that take advantage of technology.

November 4, 2021: Empowerment for Readers and Writers

Empowerment for students as readers and writers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses Enduring Freedom

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses Enduring Freedom by Jawad Arash and Trent Reedy.

October 29, 2021: Expanding Reading Choices

Expanding reading choices is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Expanding Book Choices for Secondary Readers

Ruth Ayres challenges us to be more open to the books that live in our secondary classroom libraries. She contends that committing to supporting choice in independent reading means rethinking some of the restrictions we put on adolescent readers.

Building Connections Beyond the Classroom Walls Podcast

Cathy mere and Ruth Ayres discuss building connections beyond the classroom.

October 22, 2021: Building Community Beyond the Classroom

Building connections beyond the classroom is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Fueling Creativity Podcast

Heather Fisher and Ruth Ayres discuss fueling creativity.

October 15, 2021: Fueling Creativity

Fueling creativity is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Secondary Readers Podcast

Leigh Anne Eck and Ruth Ayres discuss secondary readers.

October 8, 2021: Secondary Readers

Secondary readers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Assessing Readers Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss assessing readers.

October 1, 2021: Assessing Readers

Assessing readers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses So You Want to Be an Owl

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses So You Want to Be an Owl by Jane Porter and Maddie Frost.

September 24, 2021: Getting Started with Writing

Getting started with writing is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Using Picture Books Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss using picture books in literacy instruction.

September 19, 2021: Using Picture Books

Using picture books is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Making Workshop Work Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss making workshop work.

September 10: How do you make workshop work?

Making workshop work is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Are You Listening to Readers?

Tammy Mulligan and Ruth Ayres discuss new content related listening to readers, as well as opening the school year.

September 3: Are You Taking Time to Listen to Readers?

Listening to readers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses Ouch! Moments

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses Ouch! Moments: When Words Are Used in Hurtful Ways by Michael Genhart and Viviana Garofoli.

August 27: Are Your Conferences Uplifting?

Offering uplifting feedback is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

How Do Visuals Strengthen Literacy Instruction? Podcast

Cathy Mere and Ruth Ayres discuss the new content related to the way visuals strengthen literacy instruction.

August 20: How Do Visuals Strengthen Literacy Instruction?

Using visuals to strengthen literacy instruction is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Quick Take: Beware of Pet Peeves

Ruth Ayres cautions us to not let our pet peeves get in the way when working with student writers.

August 13: What Do Our Youngest Writers Need?

Supporting primary writers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

August 6: How Do Readers and Writers Use Images?

Using images to make meaning is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

July 30, 2021: What Routines Might You Reconsider for Next School Year?

Thoughtful procedures is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

July 23, 2021: How Does Technology Enhance Workshop Routines?

Technology and routines is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

June 25, 2021: How Do You Reach Readers?

Mentor texts is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

June 18, 2021: Mentor Texts

Mentor texts is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Conventions Podcast with Jen Schwanke

Jen Schwanke joins the podcast to discuss conventions.

June 11, 2021: Conventions

Conventions is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

June 4, 2021: Multimodal Writing

Multimodal writing and fairy tales is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses My Hero Academia, Volume 1

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses My Hero Academia, Volume 1 by Kohei Horikoshi.

May 28, 2021: Craft Moves for Writers

Craft Moves for Writers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Where the Writing Carries Meaning

Ruth Ayres explains the way image, text, and sound work together to create meaningful writing. She helps us consider where the writing carries the most meaning, as well as how these modes work together.

Transfer of Learning Podcast with Melanie Meehan

Melanie Meehan discusses the transfer of learning using pictures.

May 21, 2021: Transfer of Learning

Transfer of Learning is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Perspectives Podcast with Stella Villalba

Stella Villalba discusses the importance of perspectives.

May 14, 2021: Perspectives

Perspectives is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

May 7, 2021: Connections

Connections is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Connections Podcast Brian Sepe

Brian Sepe discusses the importance of connections and mantras.

April 30, 2021: Courses Special Issue

This week’s newsletter is a special issue highlighting our courses.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses Neville by Norton Juster and G. Brian Karas

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses Neville by Norton Juster and G. Brian Karas.

End-of-Year Reflections Podcast with Leigh Anne Eck

Leigh Anne Eck provides a guide to customize an end-of-year reflection for students.

April 23, 2021: End-of-Year Reflections

End-of-Year Reflection is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Hidden Treasures II Podcast with Jen Schwanke

Jen Schwanke shares insights about leading a school with hope and grace during COVID.

April 16, 2021: Hidden Treasures (Part 2)

Hidden Treasures During Pandemic Teaching is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Hidden Treasures Podcast with Dana Murphy

Dana Murphy candidly discusses keeping a positive mindset and approaching her students with an abundance of grace.

April 9, 2021: Hidden Treasures (Part 1)

Hidden Treasures During Pandemic Teaching is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

The Choice Literacy Book Club Discusses Little Brown by Marla Frazee

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses Little Brown by Marla Frazee.

Word Work Podcast with Mandy Robek

Mandy Robek discusses word work on the podcast.

March 26, 2021: Word Work

Word Work is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

March 19, 2021: Building Empathy Through Reading

Building Empathy Through Reading is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Building Empathy Through Reading Podcast with Matt Renwick

Matt Renwick discusses empowering readers on the podcast.

Empowering Readers Podcast with Sara Kajder

Sara Kajder discusses empowering readers on the podcast.

March 12, 2021: Empower Readers (Part 2)

Empowering Readers (Part 2) is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Empowering Readers Podcast with The Choice Literacy Book Club

The Choice Literacy Book Club discusses The Barren Grounds on the podcast.

March 5, 2021: Empower Readers (Part 1)

Empowering Readers (Part 1) is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Celebrating Writers Podcast with Bitsy Parks

Bitsy Parks discusses celebrating writers on the podcast.

February 26, 2021: Celebrating Writers

Celebrating Writers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

February 19, 2021: Shared Writing

Shared writing is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Shared Writing Podcast with Tammy Mulligan

Tammy Mulligan discusses shared writing on the podcast.

Argument Writing Podcast with Tara Barnett and Kate Mills

Tara Barnett and Kate Mills discuss mentor texts for argument writing on the podcast.

February 12, 2021: Argument Writing

Argument writing is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Four Notebook Pages to Scaffold Persuasive Writing

Ruth Ayres suggests four notebook pages to help students balance facts and emotions when writing persuasively.

Finding Meaning in Reading Podcast with Heather Fisher

Heather Fisher discusses planning for professional learning and finding meaning in reading on the podcast.

February 5, 2021: Finding Meaning in Reading

Finding meaning in reading is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Recognizing Bias Podcast with Gretchen Schroeder

Gretchen Schroeder discusses recognizing bias on the podcast.

January 29, 2021: Recognizing Bias

Recognizing bias is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Meaningful Conversations Podcast with Christy Rush-Levine

Christy Rush-Levine discusses meaningful conversations on the podcast.

January 22, 2021: Meaningful Conversations

Meaningful conversations is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

January 15, 2021: Equity

Equity is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Field Notes: 6 Ways to Respond Remotely to Build a Community of Writers

Ruth Ayres observes a writing workshop that is remote. She reflects on the ways students offer feedback and how their community of writers is established.

Empowering Choice Podcast with Nawal Qarooni Casiano

Nawal Qarooni Casiano shares how to empower choice in kids leading minilessons on the podcast.

January 8, 2021: Empowering Choice

Choice is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

December 18, 2020: Fresh Starts

Fresh starts is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

December 11, 2020: Digital Reading

Digital reading is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

December 4, 2020: Assessing Writers

Assessing writers is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

November 20, 2020 Honoring Identity

Honoring Student Identity is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Publishing Routines Podcast

Publishing routines is the theme of this week’s Big Fresh.

November 13, 2020 Are You Sure?

Publishing Routines is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

November 6, 2020 The Magic of Reading Together

Author studies are the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Word Learning Podcast

Word learning is the theme of this week’s Big Fresh.

October 30, 2020 Shark Attack

Word learning is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

Humor in Literacy Workshop Podcast

Humor in Literacy Workshop is the theme of this week’s Big Fresh.

October 23, 2020 Thank You, Mrs. Schroeder

The place of humor in literacy workshops is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

October 16, 2020 Slightly Alive

Interactive read aloud is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

October 9, 2020 Coffee Shop Contemplation

Building better book clubs is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

October 2, 2020 The Kind of Teacher Who Cares

Strategic small groups is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

September 25, 2020 Pygmalion Syndrome

Rethinking standards is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

September 18, 2020 Going Rogue

Picture books is the theme of this week’s newsletter.

August 28, 2020 Don’t Talk About My Writing Without Me

Giving feedback online is the focus of this week’s newsletter.

August 21, 2020 Future Focused

This week we look at how to build and sustain remote learning communities.

August 14, 2020 A Place for Wonder

We look at how to help students differentiate between fact and fiction in this week’s newsletter.

August 7, 2020 Slow Down to Be Kind

We look at building kindness and community in this week’s newsletter.

June 5, 2020 My Son

We help teachers move from teaching retelling to theme in this week’s newsletter.

Second-Grade Conference: Illustrations and Frames

Ruth Ayres confers with second grader Reagan about writing she is revising for publication about a class trip to the zoo that included her grandmother. Ruth introduces her to the concept of frames in illustrations, using an example from a picture book.

Don’t Force Vulnerability

Ruth Ayres eavesdrops on some moms complaining about homework assignments, and finds the experience leads to reflection on the dangers of forcing students to make themselves vulnerable in classrooms.

Field Notes: Preserving Minilesson Time

Ruth Ayres shows how one first-grade teacher saves precious time by not ending minilessons with lots of directions for independent work.

Don’t Forget to Marvel

Ruth Ayres is interrupted during a busy day by a first-grade teacher who enthuses over the details in a student draft. This leads to some reflection on the importance of taking time to marvel.

Google It!

Ruth Ayres encourages her son to use the web for assistance when doing homework, and then has to ponder whether what she is advocating qualifies as cheating.

Sharing Writing in a Class Celebration

Do celebrations matter? If you know Ruth Ayres, you know her answer is always a resounding YES. Here are her best tips for sharing writing in a class celebration.

Being a Teacher Writer Is More Than Being a Teacher Who Writes

Ruth Ayres explains how the distinction between writers and teachers who write is subtle but essential for understanding mentoring in workshops.

Does the Pencil Still Have Power?

Ruth Ayres wonders if the pencil still has power, taking readers through a whirlwind history of the writing tool in her life, schools, and the world.

Confusing Children

Ruth Ayres explains why we can’t assume children who have experienced trauma understand the foundations and routines of how school works

Wounded Warriors: Trauma and Literacy Routines

Ruth Ayres explains which workshop routines are essential for children who come to school bearing trauma.

Conference Records That Stay with Kids

Ruth Ayres explains why conferring records that stay with kids are useful for teachers.

A Variety of Share Sessions

Ruth Ayres catalogs her favorite types of share sessions (from old favorites to creative innovations) in writing workshops.

Meaningful Data

Ruth Ayres explains how data can make students and teachers feel empowered or deflated—so much depends on what you are looking for and how you present it.

Is Writing Essential?

Ruth Ayres shares some of the powerful connections between stories and writing workshops.

Creating a Manifesto

Ruth Ayres explains why writing a manifesto may be the best way to learn what you truly believe about teaching, learning, and literacy.

Get in the Pool: Teachers Who Write

Ruth Ayres shares how she was always someone who wrote—until she became a teacher. Getting back into writing was all about motivating her reluctant students.

Do I Really Have to Keep Conferring Notes?

Ruth Ayres answers a question from teachers, Do I really have to keep conferring notes? Spoiler alert: The answer is yes.


Conferring Questions

Ruth Ayres finds there can be a difference between questions in writing conferences that inspire an enthusiastic response, and those that foster more reflection and independence. Download a question list to use during your writing conferences.

Everybody Wants to Be a Hero (and Needs a Guide)

We are wired for story, and sometimes children living hard lives need to learn how to rewrite their story. Ruth Ayres shares the teacher’s role in the process.

Best First Drafts

Ruth Ayres confers with fourth grader Nicole and reinforces advice from her mom about capitalizing proper nouns, as well as the importance of applying what you know about conventions in first drafts.

Top 10 Conferring Tips

Ruth Ayres gives her best advice for honing your conferring skills with this succinct list of tips for better conferences.

How to Keep Conferring Notes

Ruth Ayres shares her grid notes sheet, and takes teachers step-by-step through the process of using this assessment tool in conferences and instruction.

Mentors for Process and Habits

Ruth Ayres shares some of her favorite mentors and mentor texts for developing good writing processes and habits.

Conferring with Ashley: Pink Hair

Ruth Ayres confers with a first-grade writer early in the year. This brief conference with a simple text is all about building a rapport in September and celebrating illustrations.

A Joyful Mess

Ruth Ayres writes about the messiness of analyzing needs, celebrating achievements, and thinking about what’s next with writers in workshops.

Five Steps to Meaningful Formal Celebrations

Ruth Ayres gives a step-by-step process for closing out the school year with a meaningful writing celebration that welcomes the entire community

Conferring Over “Finished” Writing

Ruth Ayres challenges Grant to add paragraphs to his “finished” piece.

Student Writing, Filters, and Social Media

Ruth Ayres explains why filtering is one of the most important concepts writers need to understand in this social media age, and she shares a simple lesson and chart for teaching students how filtering works.

Making Home Connections While Conferring

Ruth Ayres meets with Zoey, a quiet writer who is drawn into the conversation through family stories and a mentor text with vivid illustrations.

A Thesis Statement: Conferring with Connor

Ruth Ayres confers with sixth grader Connor about constructing a thesis statement.

Back to Basics: Choice

Ruth Ayres explores the boundaries of student options in writing workshops.

Stories from Illustrations: Conferring with Kendall

Ruth Ayres draws out the story-writing possibilities with first-grader Kendall by conferring over her illustrations.

Figuring Out Social Media Together

Ruth Ayres finds storytelling is at the heart of social media, and describes how teachers and students might work together to find a place for social media in classrooms.

“How Can I Help?” Conference

Ruth Ayres helps a fourth grader reflect on whether she is finished with her personal narrative, and how Ruth might assist her.

Why I Stopped Asking, “Where’s Your Pencil?”

Ruth Ayres finds the brain research is grim when it comes to the needs of neglected children, but there is still much that teachers can do to support healthy growth in students from challenging home environments.

Back to Basics: Routines in Writing Workshops

Ruth Ayres considers what's essential in writing workshop routines.

Sorting with “Kinds of”: Technique Minilessons

Ruth Ayres finds it is helpful for teachers and students to sort through different types of writing techniques lessons in planning for instruction and revision.

Second-Grade Minilesson on Paragraphs

Ruth Ayres uses a student text to demonstrate the importance of paragraph breaks in this second-grade minilesson.

Space to Draft

Ruth Ayres argues against lockstep approaches to the writing process.

Conferring with Izzy

Ruth Ayres confers with Izzy to help her create an organizer in her writing notebook.

How Long?

Ruth Ayres provides a ready reference guide for the typical length of everything from a minilesson to a conferring session.

Moving Away from Bed to Bed: Conferring with Ty

Ruth Ayres confers with fourth grader Ty about his personal narrative, and works to move him away from a “bed-to-bed” approach in his writing.

Personal Narratives and Memoir: Conferring with Bode

Ruth Ayres confers with Bode about the difference between personal narratives and memoirs, and the value of mining the writing journal for topics.

Conferring About Illustrations

Ruth Ayres encourages a young writer to emulate a favorite illustrator.

Effective Organization

 Ruth Ayres has tips for organizing desks, tables, chairs, and materials to support literacy learning.

Effective Student Writing Groups

Ruth Ayres has advice for effective peer feedback in writing workshops.

An Organizing Tool for Writing

Ruth Ayres gives fourth grader Allie an organization tool for brainstorming memoir possibilities early in the year.

Fifth-Grade Memoir Writing: Conferring with Wesley

Ruth Ayres confers with fifth grader Wesley about his personal narrative on scouting.

Conferring About Illustration in Kindergarten

Ruth Ayres confers with five-year-old Abby about her apple illustration early in the school year.

Conveying Messages with Cover Art

Ruth Ayres confers with fourth grader Braden about the importance of inviting cover art for the book he's written about a vacation.

Visiting the Doctor: Conferring with Alexis

Ruth Ayres confers with first grader Alexis about her visit to the doctor for a shot. The conference focuses on illustrations and labeling.

Brave Noah

Ruth Ayres tells the story of Noah, a brave first grader with a hard home life who has few happily ever afters as a writer.

Drama and Two-Page Spreads: Conferring with Max

Ruth Ayres confers with second grader Max about the drama of losing his dog, and the value of using two-page spreads to tell a story.

Collecting Ideas in the Writer’s Notebook

Ruth Ayres confers with third grader Jade about the importance of the “collecting” phase for writers.

Words Chart Minilesson

Ruth Ayres develops a word chart in this brief minilesson with second graders.

Keep Going

Ruth Ayres has advice for moving forward, staying positive, and focusing on what’s important.

Inside and Outside Views: Conferring with Rebecca

Ruth Ayres confers with first grader Rebecca about perspective and illustrations in her writing.

Second-Grade Minilesson on Capital Letters

Ruth Ayres presents a minilesson on capital letters to a second-grade class.

Reporting and Crafting: Conferring with Ezra

Ruth Ayres confers with Ezra about revision — using a mentor text to help him move from reporting to crafting in his writing.

Powerful Conferences

Ruth Ayres explains how deciding the purpose of conferring in advance can lead to more powerful conferences.

Illustrations in Kindergarten: Conferring with Dalton

Ruth Ayres confers with kindergartner Dalton early in the year, focusing on his illustrations to build storytelling skills.

Why Write?

Ruth Ayres answers the question of why writing matters for busy teachers who struggle to find time for their own writing notebooks.

“We Gather Together”: On Research and Weddings

Ruth Ayres and her colleagues use a marriage analogy to help middle school students and their families understand the research process. The article includes a nifty example of a pamphlet to share with parents.

Symbiosis: Choice and Structure in Writing Workshops

Ruth Ayres and Heather Rader draw on their work as literacy coaches and teachers to explore the complex connections between choice and structure in writing workshops.

The Writing Process . . . and Processes

Ruth Ayres considers elements of the writing process that are common to all, and which ones vary according to the needs, interests, and quirks of writers.


Word Count

Ruth Ayres finds that keeping a word count is a potent way to increase writing quality over time.

Nourishment: Making Time and Space for Little Joys

We can’t forget the importance of being kind to ourselves. Ruth Ayres explains how small pleasures add up to big delights.

Make a Really BIG List

Big lists can be intimidating, especially when our to-do lists are long and never quite finished. Ruth Ayres explains the power of big lists in other contexts, especially writing, and how they might actually provide comfort and security when tackling big projects and ideas.

On Perfection and Goals

Ruth Ayres explains how she sets realistic goals for her own learning during the year.

Dear Eve Bunting

A persistent seven-year-old has some powerful messages about confidence, patience, and sending writing out into the world.

Field Experience: Writers’ Notebooks

Writers’ Notebooks are an important tool for writers. Ruth Ayres designed a field experience to showcase how elementary teachers use notebooks with young writers.

Field Experience: Social-Emotional Learning in Workshop

Compassion and understanding are as important to workshop instruction as strategies and routines. Ruth Ayres compiled a field experience to highlight the way understanding the social-emotional needs of students (and ourselves) allows for safe learning environments.

Field Experience: Craft Moves for Elementary Writers

This field experience invites us to consider a handful of craft moves to teach young writers in minilessons, conferences and share sessions.

Field Experience: Classroom Tours

Spend time noticing the details that reflect beliefs and influence instruction.  Ruth Ayres set up room tours for a field experience focused on more than trendy spaces.

Field Experience: Small Group Reading Instruction

Small group reading instruction is an important part of elementary literacy. This field experience is a sampling of a variety of examples.

Field Experience: Picture Books and Older Students

The value of picture books with older students is often questioned. Ruth Ayres assembled this field experience to allow insight into the depth and power of picture books for older students.

Field Experience: General Workshop Routines

This field experience invites us to consider the routines of opening the day, workshop norms, meeting areas and transitions to make workshop run smoothly.

Write Today

Ruth Ayres describes her own experiences as an author, blogger, and teacher. She shows how possible and essential writing is for even the busiest educators.

Respond, Reflect, Rejoice: The 3 Rs of Writing Celebrations

Ruth Ayres explains how teachers might put less focus on big, showy events, and more on the daily small pleasures and joys of writing success in classrooms.

What Can You Learn from Slice of Life Writing?

Ruth Ayres inspires us to develop the habit of writing on a regular basis by taking a bite out of the Slice of Life Story Challenge.

Field Experience: Supporting Independent Reading, Choice and Stamina

Helping students learn to choose books and develop stamina are important to developing independent readers. Ruth Ayres designed a field experience with opportunities to see minilessons, small group instruction, team meetings and a share session that support independence in readers.

Collecting Ideas in the Writer’s Notebook

Ruth Ayres confers with third grader Jade about the importance of the “collecting” phase for writers.

Field Experience: Kindergarten Writers

Spend time with the youngest writers and you will be mesmerized by their writing processes. Ruth Ayres assembled a field experience focused on kindergarten writers.

Test: Weekly Poetry Response

Ruth Ayres cautions us to not let our pet peeves get in the way when working with student writers.

Inside and Outside Views Minilesson

Ruth Ayres leads a minilesson in second grade on inside/outside views — what’s happening objectively (on the outside) vs. emotions (on the inside).  The terms are a good starting point for helping young students distinguish between facts and opinions.

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