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Reframing Writers

Julie Johnson encourages educators to take a more in-depth view when assessing student writers. Checklists don’t necessarily grow writers, but focusing on what students are doing well and nudging them forward will.

The Answer Is Always “Yes”

Julie Johnson shows how saying yes empowers students to do the work of writers: make decisions, experiment, build relationships, and be confident as a writer.

Bring In the School Year Like a Grandma

Julie Johnson reflects on how to help students know they belong and are valued in a classroom community.

Minilessons About Sound and Image

Julie Johnson encourages minilessons about sound and image to give students more ways to create meaningful texts.

Fairy Tales with a Multimodal Twist: Process and Product

In this second installment, Julie Johnson guides the process of creating multimodal fairy tales, as well as discusses producing the final product.

Fairy Tales with a Multimodal Twist: Laying the Groundwork

Julie Johnson outlines the groundwork for creating multimodal fairy tales in writing workshop.

Importance of Talk in Writing Workshop

Julie Johnson reminds us of important mindsets to adopt to allow students the space and permission to talk while composing. When students talk as writers, they have opportunities to create new understandings, build relationships, and validate each other.

The Importance of Audience

Julie Johnson demonstrates how teachers can help students think through issues of audience during writing workshops.

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Message

Julie Johnson has advice on classroom uses of tech resources.

Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet

Julie Johnson provides helpful tips and a letter for parents to help keep students safe on the Internet.

Using Technology to Connect Young Readers and Writers

Julie Johnson reflects on how technology is changing her own reading community, and builds on this knowledge to connect readers and writers in her classroom with others through the Internet.

Teacher Vulnerability

Julie Johnson writes about renewal and staying centered during tough teaching times.

Math Journals

Julie Johnson rekindles her love affair with math when she incorporates journals and sees her students become more adept at organizing and explaining their thinking.

Family History Inquiry Project: Integrating Technology with Social Studies in First Grade

Julie Johnson explains how a family history inquiry project in her 1st grade classroom built technology, literacy, and research skills as students explored many cultures.

The Nuts and Bolts of the Family Inquiry Project

Julie Johnson explains how a family history inquiry project in her first-grade classroom builds technology, literacy, and research skills as students explored many cultures.  This article is the second in a two-part series.

Creating a Model Writing School

Julie Johnson shares the professional development plan and experiences that led to her school's evolution into a model writing school.

Creating a Model Writing School . . . Next Steps

Julie Johnson documents the continuing evolution of her learning community as a model writing school.

Connecting with Students at Home

Julie Johnson learns some important lessons about connecting with students remotely, and few of them are about technology.

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