Tammy Mulligan

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Tammy Mulligan co-authored It’s All About the Books and Assessment in Perspective.  At work, you can find her teaching second graders at the Hanscom Primary School. On other days, she is in her garden, hiking in the woods, or hiding behind a pile of children’s books. Connect with Tammy on Twitter @TammyBMulligan  or on Instagram @TammyReadsKidLit.

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Vertical Whiteboards

Tammy Mulligan shares how vertical whiteboards are a powerful tool to support collaboration and make student thinking visible.

Do I Belong?

Tammy Mulligan considers ways to help students feel and know that they belong in the classroom community. The more we broaden our knowledge of others, and discover more about who we are and what we care about, the more our sense of belonging can grow. 

August 16, 2024: Starting Strong

This week’s newsletter is about starting the school year.

Questions to Ask When Reading the Morning Message

Tammy Mulligan guides teachers in a progression to help students identify tricky words, move deeper into word analysis, and develop inferential thinking. Included is a helpful progression chart to guide teachers in helping all students understand that readers encounter problems and can solve the tricky words.

Building a Classroom Library with Students (and Navigating the Tricky Parts)

Tammy Mulligan leads us through the process of giving primary students the reins for building and organizing the classroom library . . . and offers tips for navigating the tricky parts.

Lifting the Quality of Hands-Down Conversations

Tammy Mulligan leads us through troubleshooting the difficult parts of launching hands-down conversations. This is the third installment of a three-part series about launching hands-down conversations.

Hands-Down Conversations in the Primary Grades

Tammy Mulligan shares the steps to encouraging hands-down conversations in the first days of the school year. This is the second installment of a three-part series about launching hands-down conversations.

QuickTake: Chronicling Learning All Year

Tammy Mulligan shares a beginning-of-the-year routine where second graders create an identity frame. This becomes a place to highlight photographs of their learning each week throughout the school year.

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