Book Guides
With such a wealth of new resources and a growing need to make curriculum more relevant to today’s students, a new collection of go-to books is just what teachers need. Our Go-To Book Guides are designed to support teachers in refreshing their toolboxes with new go-to books to grab off the shelf and immediately use in classroom instruction.
Big by Vashti Harrison Book Guide
Big, written and illustrated by Vashti Harrison, is the story of a young girl who receives many messages about what it means to be big and which of those messages she chooses to own.

Christy Rush-Levine
Gibberish, by Young Vo
Gibberish written and illustrated by Young Vo is the story of Dat’s first day of school in a brand new place. The immigrant experience is powerfully centered and brilliantly depicted through smart choices in color, artistic style, and text.

Christy Rush-Levine
Beneath by Cori Doerrfeld
Beneath by Cori Doerrfeld is a story about a girl navigating loss by learning from her grandpa how to notice what is beneath the surface during a walk through nature.

Christy Rush-Levine
How To, by Julie Morstad
How To, written and illustrated by Julie Morstad, is a collection of invitations to do a variety of things that, when paired with the illustrations, offer a unique perspective on some otherwise ordinary actions.

Tara Barnett and Kate Mills
I Am a Tornado by Drew Beckmeyer
I Am a Tornado written and illustrated by Drew Beckmeyer is a perfect mix of science and social emotional learning.

Christy Rush-Levine
My Papi Has a Motorcycle by Isabel Quintero
My Papi Has a Motorcycle by Isabel Quintero is told in the voice of Daisy, a young girl whose motorcycle ride with her papi describes both her relationship with her father and the changing community where she lives.

Tara Barnett and Kate Mills
The Kindest Red by Ibtihaj Muhammad with S.K. Ali, illustrated by Hatem Aly
The Kindest Red: A Story of Hijab and Friendship by Ibtihaj Muhammad with S.K. Ali, illustrated by Hatem Aly, is the story of how a young girl wants to create a kind world and inspires those around her to be kind, too.

Tara Barnett and Kate Mills
The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad with S.K. Ali, illustrated by Hatem Aly
Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family by Ibtihaj Muhammad with S.K. Ali, illustrated by Hatem Aly, uses figurative language accompanied by beautiful illustrations to tell the story of a younger sister who admires her older sister’s hijab, witnesses bullying, and discovers how to stay true to her identity.

Christy Rush-Levine
The Rough Patch by Brian Lies
The Rough Patch written and illustrated by Brian Lies tells the story of the effects of loss of a best friend and a path to navigating life after loss.

Tara Barnett and Kate Mills
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