Cathy Mere

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Cathy Mere has taught grades K-6 and worked as a literacy coach and a Reading Recovery teacher in Ohio. Currently she works as a reading specialist supporting literacy learners. Cathy is the author of More Than Guided ReadingShe shares her professional reflections at Reflect and Refine:  Building a Learning Community and dabbles in poetry and personal essay at Merely Day by Day. Cathy can be found @cathymere on Twitter.

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When They’re Hard to Teach

Cathy Mere reminds us of the complexities of teaching readers, especially those who are in intervention. She shares the “rules” she’s put in place for herself when a rough patch is hit and little growth is gained.

Teaching Writers to Hear Feedback

Cathy Mere outlines ways writers can position themselves to hear (and use) feedback.

Helping Writers Self-Correct

What to do with writers who catch errors in isolation but not in their own writing? Cathy Mere suggests three ways to help students self-correct their writing.

Constantly Evolving Toward a Stronger Practice

In education much attention is paid to change and transformation. Cathy Mere challenges us to consider placing our focus on evolution and understanding that we are constantly evolving toward a new version of ourselves. In this personal essay, we will all find hope as we reach toward our strengths and use them to find our next steps forward.

November 11, 2022: Stronger Conferences and Feedback

This week’s newsletter is about engaging secondary students.

Changing Positions? How to Rethink Your Community (Download)

Cathy Mere offers practical steps to finding a new community when you switch positions. Download a copy of a guided reflection to intentionally seek a new community.

Reading Specialists Can Change the Narrative

Cathy Mere shares ways reading specialists can help teachers get excited about striving readers’ growth by intentionally sharing progress and celebrations.

Bring Me Something Funny (Booklist)

Cathy Mere offers a booklist in response when a teacher asks her to “Bring me something funny.” These books are sure to fill your classroom with lighthearted laughter.

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