Here is where you’ll find all the latest videos from our contributors. These videos are all captured in classrooms with crews using multiple cameras during regularly scheduled reading and writing workshops.
Do struggles with handwriting matter? They do when a student can’t even decipher his own words. Katherine Sokolowski confers with fifth grader Sauvi to help him find solutions to the problem.
Ruth Ayres shares a process for grading student writing that improves efficiency and accuracy.
Ruth Ayres shares the importance of giving students choice when planning their writing projects.
Secondary instructional coach Holly Wenning shares ways to assess high school readers.
Secondary instructional coach Holly Wenning shares her own paradigm shift of teaching readers rather than teaching books, and encourages all teachers to consider the importance of putting students before books when planning literacy instruction.
Christy Rush-Levine connects students to support each other as they write their literary analysis essays.
Holly Wenning helps us expand the definition of text when considering mentor texts and reading assessments.
Melissa Quimby suggests listening in on students’ conversations to find out their interests. These tidbits will help you in building connections, recommending books, and encouraging writing topics.
Instructional coach Holly Wenning shares the importance of the workshop model, and especially work time, for high school students. See the transition from minilesson to work time in a 10th-grade English class.
Christy Rush-Levine shares tips on how teachers can stay sharp.
Bitsy Parks shares the importance of reading professionally to stay sharp.
In this QuickTake video, Ruth Ayres shares different ways writers can enter a writing project.
In our Stay Sharp series, Dana Murphy shares the ways she seeks out educators who help her stay sharp. Her key sources are Twitter, the educators in her school, and reading the Big Fresh.
Melissa Quimby encourages informal conversations with students to get insight into their personalities and lives.
Dana Murphy shares ways to nourish a sense of belonging in all students.
Bitsy Parks gives direction in beginning a community circle with primary learners.
Tammy Mulligan shares a beginning-of-the-year routine where second graders create an identity frame. This becomes a place to highlight photographs of their learning each week throughout the school year.
Melissa Quimby advises leaving space for students to personalize the classroom when they arrive to start the new school year.
Stella Villalba encourages all educators to listen to students to understand how to create a culture of belonging.
Christy Rush-Levine circulates for quick conferences as students complete their literary analysis essays.
Christy Rush-Levine confers with Erica about her reading response to 13th Reality. She helps Erica consider character motivation.
Christy Rush-Levine shares her system for streamlining passing papers and offering a place for private feedback.
Christy Rush-Levine pairs Brenna Thummler’s books Sheets and Delicates in a book talk for her sixth-grade class.
Christy Rush-Levine shares her simple system for organizing her massive classroom library.
Dana Murphy confers with fifth grader Rebecca about her writing draft, and they discuss the heart of her story.
Staci Revere helps her middle school multilanguage students learn to visualize by discovering images through a web search to understand the text in a deeper way.
This is the first guided reading group in September for Cheryl Miller. She concludes the lesson by having students share their understanding of the text and reviewing skills that were practiced. This is the final video in a three-part series.
This is the first guided reading group in September for Cheryl Miller. She continues the lesson by listening to the students whisper read and instructing them as needs arise. This is the second video in a three-part series.
Deb Gaby confers with Riley about The Lemonade War. They talk about the writing about reading that students are doing for this whole-class read.
Christy Rush-Levine confers with Logan over his reading response to Fat Boy vs. the Cheerleaders and Noggin 13th Reality. She helps him think about the plausibility of the story and what constitutes a worthy problem in literature.
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