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February 7, 2025: Boost Talk = Boost Learning

This week’s newsletter is about boosting talk in your classroom.

January 31, 2025: Meaning Matters

This week’s newsletter is about making meaning with our learning.

January 24, 2025: Ways to Show Learning

This week’s newsletter is about assessing student learning.

January 17, 2025: More Engaged Students

This week’s newsletter is about engagement.

December 20, 2024: Graphic Novels and Novels in Verse

This week’s newsletter is about graphic novels and novels in verse.

December 13, 2024: Literacy in All Subjects

This week’s newsletter is about literacy in all subjects..

December 6, 2024: Gratitude

This week’s newsletter is about the importance of gratitude.

November 22, 2024: Vulnerability

This week’s newsletter is about fostering strong connections.

November 15, 2024: Supporting Learners

This week’s newsletter is about supporting learners.

November 8, 2024: Growing Writers

This week’s newsletter is about growing writers.

November 1, 2024: A Community of Secondary Readers

This week’s newsletter is about nourishing a community of secondary readers.

October 25, 2024: Talking Politics?

This week’s newsletter is about talking politics with students.

October 18, 2024: Learning to Collaborate

This week’s newsletter is about helping students learn to share ideas.

October 11, 2024: A Community of Readers

This week’s newsletter is about building a reading community.

October 4, 2024: A Love of Books

This week’s newsletter is about the power of learning to love books.

September 27, 2024: No Struggle, No Story

This week’s newsletter is about planning narratives.

September 20, 2024: Tough Ones

This week’s newsletter is about small connections that make a big difference.

September 13, 2024: Create Space

This week’s newsletter is about protecting time and space for learning.

September 6, 2024: Beginning a New School Year

This week’s newsletter is about beginning a new school year.

August 30, 2024: Belonging

This week’s newsletter is about belonging.

August 23, 2024: Becoming a Reader

This week’s newsletter is about becoming a wholehearted reader.

August 16, 2024: Starting Strong

This week’s newsletter is about starting the school year.

August 9, 2024: Good Vibes to Start the School Year

This week’s newsletter is full of good vibes to start the school year.

August 2, 2024: School and Classroom Libraries

This week’s newsletter is about school and classroom libraries.

July 26, 2024: Spinning Ideas for the New School Year

This week’s newsletter is full of inspiring ideas for the new school year.

June 28, 2024: Summer Reading

This week’s newsletter is full of booklists to help with your summer reading.

June 21, 2024: Fluency

This week’s newsletter is about building fluency.

June 14, 2024: Thinking More Deeply About Characters

This week’s newsletter is about thinking more deeply about characters.

June 7, 2024: Nurture Independence

This week’s newsletter is about nurturing independence.

May 31, 2024: Don’t Miss the Joy

This week’s newsletter is about finding joy in our work.

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