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Early Writing Opportunities in the Library

Gigi McAllister shares informal writing opportunities for students in the school library. Informal and engaging writing activities where students have lots of choice and encouragement make them feel empowered as writers, help them generalize the writing skills they are learning in the classroom, and create joyful writing experiences. 

July 26, 2024: Spinning Ideas for the New School Year

This week’s newsletter is full of inspiring ideas for the new school year.

June 28, 2024: Summer Reading

This week’s newsletter is full of booklists to help with your summer reading.

June 21, 2024: Fluency

This week’s newsletter is about building fluency.

Tips for Interactive Word Study

Lisa Mazinas offers tips for building fluency in elementary readers.

Fluency Practice in Middle School

Leigh Anne Eck tackles fluency strategies with her middle school readers.

June 14, 2024: Thinking More Deeply About Characters

This week’s newsletter is about thinking more deeply about characters.

June 7, 2024: Nurture Independence

This week’s newsletter is about nurturing independence.

May 31, 2024: Don’t Miss the Joy

This week’s newsletter is about finding joy in our work.

Eight Tips to Make Virtual Learning Equitable and Accessible for All Students

Lisa Mazinas reminds us of ways to make virtual learning equitable and accessible.

Responding to Appeals for Help

Dana Murphy outlines three options to respond to a student who is stuck when reading and looking to the teacher for the answer. By being mindful when students appeal for help, we can make intentional, on-the-spot decisions to empower students to become better readers.

The Joyful Toolkit for Literacy Leaders

Vivian Chen is inspired to create a joyful toolkit for educators. While there can be a certain draw to wallowing in killjoys in education, ultimately, we need to disrupt the downward spiral for our own mental wellness.

Purposeful Play

Jodie Bailey makes a case for purposeful play with her middle school students. To strengthen reading habits, we offer exposure to a wide variety of books, time to read, and opportunities to discuss ideas. In math classrooms students need similar opportunities to explore and play.

May 24, 2024: Holiday Reading

This week’s newsletter is about the unexpected learning that happens over time.

May 17, 2024: What Surprises You?

This week’s newsletter is about the unexpected learning that happens over time.

The Power of Story

Becca Burk reminds us of the power of story and community when she uses a social story to help a kindergartner overcome the fear and anxiety from being forgotten on the bus. Becca shows us how to use a social story to develop confidence to overcome difficulties.

Your Voice Matters

Jodie Bailey shares a picture-book version of Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech and then gives students time to reflect on the message. While math class might seem like an unusual place to help students consider their identity and place in the world, Jodie inspires teachers to offer space and time for students to find their voice…while making direct connections to math standards.

May 10, 2024: Elevate Readers’ Thinking

This week’s newsletter is about elevating readers’ thinking.

Examining Power Dynamics

Gretchen Schroeder leads her students to consider the power and privilege in the texts they read. By creating a power continuum, students become more aware of issues of power and oppression in society. Once this happens, they can move to discussions of how to take action for positive social change.

An Invitation to Elevate Readers’ Thinking Through Conversation

Melissa Quimby offers structures to help elevate readers’ thinking through book club conversations. You’ll love putting these practical ideas into play in your own classroom—and be awed by the depth of your readers’ understandings.

Teaching Students to Self-Monitor

Dana Murphy explicitly teaches students how to self-monitor through modeling and using an anchor chart that clearly defines each step.

May 3, 2024: Invaluable Teaching Tools

This week’s newsletter is about invaluable teaching tools.

Fostering a Love of Reading in All Students

Lisa Mazinas reminds us of the importance of fostering a love of reading in all students. She offers specific ways to reconnect students with the enjoyment of reading.

Know/Wonder Chart

Dana Murphy shares the power of a Know/Wonder chart to peek inside the minds of intermediate readers and provide direction beyond assessment data.

April 26, 2024: Vocabulary

This week’s newsletter is about building vocabulary.

Building Vocabulary One Purple Word at a Time

Leigh Anne Eck shares one way to uplift word choice of middle school writers. Through a simple and responsive system, her students are growing their vocabulary, learning parts of speech, and taking risks with more sophisticated word choice. All you need is a purple highlighter and a willingness to celebrate student voices.

Let’s Do It Again, Together

Heather Fisher revisits a whole-school vocabulary routine that she set in motion. In this update, she shares the ways she adjusted to work together as a team rather than fly solo. This might be just the school-wide vocabulary routine you’ve been craving.

April 19, 2024: Informational Writing

This week’s newsletter is about informational writing.

Building Bridges (and Confidence): Planning Solid Essays

Melissa Quimby offers time and intentional planning to build students’ confidence and capacity as essay writers.

Informational Poetry

Hannah Tills and Josie Stewart teach students to write informational poetry. They remind us that poetry can serve as a mentor text in many units and does not have to be siloed in its own unit.

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