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Developing a Mindset for Looking at Student Writing

This PD2Go focuses on intentionally developing a mindset for looking at student writing by pairing an article by Heather Fisher and a Quick Take video by Ruth Ayres.

Tools to Support Our Youngest Readers

This PD2Go focuses on the importance of listening to students, especially when they have different answers.

Our Words Matter: Intentionally Uplifting Student Voices

This PD2Go focuses on intentionally uplifting student voices by pairing an article by Becca Burk and a conference with Dana Murphy. Becca Burk reflects on the power of intentional language...

Claiming a Reading Identity

Keeping excitement for the next book to read can be a challenge. This session offers two ideas to sustain energy for independent reading. Melissa Quimby shares a creative and practical idea for students to name their reading identities. Christy Rush-Levine offers a tried-and-true practice of offering book talks so students can create a robust "To Be Read" list.

Reimagining Reading Logs

Reading logs are a part of many classrooms. This session carves out space for teachers to consider the purpose of reading logs. Clare Landrigan makes the comparison between reading logs and running logs in a demonstration lesson. A choice of articles is given for participants to think more deeply about the purpose of reading logs.

Onward! Reflection and Goal Setting

Reflective practice and goal setting are important practices for educators. Jen Schwanke leads the way in encouraging a positive mindset and reflective practice anchored in gratitude. When paired with Jaz...

Digital Reading Strategies

As we encounter more digital texts, we must consider the reading strategies needed to understand them. In this session, participants will reflect on their own reading lives and identities as...

Tools for Reading Conferences

Deb Gaby confers with second grader Reagan early in the school year. She is reading her first chapter book, and using a reading strategies "toolkit" for support.

Homework Challenges

This professional development session is designed to help participants explore the concept of weekly “homework challenges,” as well as to consider what is working well with their homework program and...

Better Family Communication

Gigi McAllister gives a brief explanation of how her thinking on goal setting has changed, as well as the ways in which she uses student goals to connect with parents. Max Brand shares strategies for helping parents talk with students.

Building Identity and Community

Katherine Sokolowski shares a wall display from her fifth graders that students build to celebrate who they are and people they love from home. The reading is from Suzy Kaback, explaining the value of an "All About Us" board in classrooms.

Writing Share Structures in the Primary Grades

Sean Moore leads his second graders in a whole-class discussion of nonfiction writing, including a partner share.

Flexible Groups: Moving Beyond Levels to Assess Reading Needs

Gail Boushey and Joan Moser (“The Sisters”) discuss how their thinking has evolved when it comes to flexible groups. The video excerpt shows Joan working with a group of kindergartners....

Noticing Interesting Words: Small-Group Vocabulary Lesson

In this brief video, Gail Boushey (of “The Sisters”) leads a small-group lesson on vocabulary. In the debrief following the lesson, Gail talks with Joan Moser about vocabulary instruction, and...

Conferring, Illustrations, and Emotion in Young Learners

Ruth Ayres confers with second grader Max about the story of his lost dog, and uses a mentor text to demonstrate the power of two-page spreads. Click here to download...

Picking a Partner: Demonstration Lesson and Debrief

In this demonstration lesson from a K-2 classroom, Joan Moser leads students through guided practice in picking a partner.

Guiding Reading Partners: Work on Accuracy

Linda Karamatic works with two readers who are going to read the same book and support each other with the use of accuracy strategies.

Listen In: Magnifying a Moment in Writing

Sometimes using a prop can help young students understand a revision strategy. Heather Rader helps second grader Sammi understand how to "magnify" a moment when revising her writing.

Launching a Punctuation Study in Second Grade

Linda Karamatic begins a punctuation study with her second graders, sharing mentor texts, starting an anchor chart, and engaging students in punctuation inquiry partnerships.

Read Aloud: Vocabulary and Retelling Strategies

Stella Villalba scaffolds the language development of her first- and second-grade English language learners during read-aloud by highlighting vocabulary and providing a tool to assist with a partner retelling activity.

Poetry and Fluency Minilesson in Second Grade

Sean Moore uses poetry for a short minilesson on fluency, and then follows with a partner share and vocabulary discussion. The poem Sean reads with the children is "The Busy Ant" by Mary Ann Hoberman.

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