Jen Court
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Jen Court is an instructional coach in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
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Partnering Phonics and Poetry
Jen Court gets creative with using materials for more than one skill to layer in additional phonics instruction and practice. Jen provides a guide to think critically about reusing resources throughout the day and across content areas. Download the Planning Tool for Phonics Lessons.
Let’s Write Together: The Importance of Class Books
Jen Court considers whether creating class books is a valuable use of time for today’s young students. As she teases out this question, she realizes class books are a relevant and essential instructional strategy.
Young Author Celebrations
Jennifer Court shares the celebrations that propel students to engage in the Young Authors Program.
Literacy Toolkits
Inspired by toolkits with math manipulatives, Jen Court created literacy toolkits with the help of her first-grade students. These toolkits grow and change across the year and according to student needs, and they help students “touch their thinking” and become more independent readers and writers.
Read Aloud Magic
Jen Court reminds us of the power of reading aloud to students and pushes us to remember the importance of planning to use books to engage students and hone teaching points.
Coaching Minute: Creating Conversations to Anchor Professional Relationships
Instructional coach Jen Court takes advantage of the early days of a school year to be present with classroom teachers and create conversations that begin to anchor meaningful professional relationships.
What I Am Reading the First Week of School
Jen Court plans to fill the first days of first grade with experiences around books. Selecting books carefully to create a sense of community in the classroom from the very beginning is the goal of this first-week booklist.
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