Stella Villalba divides her everyday life teaching English language learners for one part of the day as she has been doing for 18 years. The other part of her day includes collaborating and coaching teachers across the Dublin, Ohio, school district, bridging understandings regarding teaching ELLs. Stella is a Lead Ambassador for NCTE. She is passionate about languages, literacy, and culture. You can keep up with Stella on Twitter @stellavillalba, Instagram @stellavillalba, or at her blog, Listening and Learning: A Teaching and Coaching Life.
This PD2Go focuses on considering and uplifting student talk in our classrooms.
Stella Villalba confers with first grader Jocelyn about the informational text she is writing about bunnies. Jocelyn is an English language learner, and this conference demonstrates the value of oral rehearsal for young ELL writers.
Stella Villalba scaffolds the language development of her first- and second-grade English language learners during read-aloud by highlighting vocabulary and providing a tool to assist with a partner retelling activity.
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