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Weekly Poetry Response

This PD2Go focuses developing a routine of a weekly poetry response. Watch a video of how Gretchen Schroeder invites weekly poetry responses in her high school classroom, and  read an article by Christy Rush-Levine about ways to help adolescents connect to poetry.

Weekly Poetry Responses for Secondary Students

This PD2Go focuses on giving secondary students an opportunity to respond to poetry each week.

Onward! Reflection and Goal Setting

Reflective practice and goal setting are important practices for educators. Jen Schwanke leads the way in encouraging a positive mindset and reflective practice anchored in gratitude. When paired with Jaz...

Supporting Sophisticated Book Club Conversations

Support sophisticated Book Club Conversations by pairing a minilesson about building on conversation by Dana Murphy with an article about fostering cultural awareness by Gretchen Schroeder.

Better Family Communication

Gigi McAllister gives a brief explanation of how her thinking on goal setting has changed, as well as the ways in which she uses student goals to connect with parents. Max Brand shares strategies for helping parents talk with students.

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