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Are Norms the Problem? Part 1

Ruth Ayres shares the details of developing and using norms in intentional and meaningful ways. This is the first of three installments in a series about norms.

Multiplier Mindset

Brian Sepe guides us in a reflective practice activity to help strengthen our mindsets as leaders who multiply and grow the intelligence of those around them. This article was inspired by Liz Wiseman’s book Multipliers.

Lifting Teachers by Lifting a Teacher

Mary Brower shares a process to uplift teacher voices in professional learning. The effort is small, but the payoff is astronomical!

Engaging from the Start: Considering Accessible Professional Development Experiences for a Range of Educators

Inspired by low-ceiling, high-threshold activities in classrooms, Heather Fisher offers three ways to plan professional learning so that it is accessible to a range of educators.

Misreading Body Language

Matt Renwick reminds us of the benefits and dangers of reading (or misreading) body language, and offers a way to get to the heart of communicating clearly.

Make and Take…With a Twist: Incorporating Research and Play with Preparing Materials

Heather Fisher taps the power of play in professional learning. By being mindful of incorporating play into professional learning, teachers build their skills and confidence with new materials or strategies in their classrooms.

PL…See? Lightening Up PLCs to Increase Engagement

David Pittman reminds us of the importance of curiosity in driving professional learning communities. If engagement is waning in your PLCs, this article is a must-read!

 Bridging the Gap (Session 1): The Sold a Story Peel

Mary Brower shares a professional learning experience that peels back the layers of the Sold a Story podcast to help teachers find common ground in reading instruction. Includes a template for a guided conversation.

Building Teacher Confidence, Building Leaders: The Power of Observation

Paula Fiscus questions how to uplift more teacher leaders, and decides peer observations may be the catalyst to teachers believing they can grow and lead. Paula offers procedures, forms, and the encouragement needed to set peer observations in motion in your school

Navigating the Science of Reading: How to Hold a Professional Conversation About Teaching Readers

Matt Renwick helps leaders navigate science-of-reading conversations with these three powerful tips.

Six Journaling Ideas for Teacher Self-Care

Leigh Anne Eck offers six journaling ideas for those who have always wanted to keep a journal but think they just don’t have the time. Journaling is a healthy habit that leads to clarity and focus. Try one of these ideas today!

Picture It: Pebbles in Our Shoes

In this Picture It, Ruth Ayres shares a creative and effective way to acknowledge difficulties when rolling out new curriculum or initiative.

Uplifting Students’ “Ordinary” Stories with Mentor Texts

In a time when lives are showcased on highlight reels of social media, Gwen Blumberg reminds us of the importance of highlighting ordinary moments as worthy writing topics.

Classrooms as Spaces of Identity Development

Stella Villalba works with teachers to create classrooms that nurture and develop students’ identities. With this in mind, she leads teachers in building units that celebrate and affirm students while also meeting the expectations of standards. Included is a list of resources.

Investing in Our Collective Humanity: Nurturing an Intentional Cultural Life

Learning in communities, about communities, and from communities is the driving force behind Stella Villalba’s commitment to continually expand her knowledge of many cultures. In this article, Stella curates multimodal ways to expand your own experience and understanding.

Putting Together Powerful PD

Are you looking for a way to plan meaningful professional development sessions? Julie Cox suggests a simple outline: Present a basic question, and then provide something to do, something to take, and something to inspire.

Coaching in Community: Co-Creating Learning Spaces (Part I)

Stella Villalba suggests that we consider how to continue creating spaces where learning is co-created with a community. She encourages instructional leaders to share the ways they are learning (and unlearning) ideas for stronger literacy practices.

Read Alouds Aren’t Just for Children

Shared read aloud books are not just for children. Gwen Blumberg outlines the power of reading aloud with faculty.

Purposefully Plan PD to Support Transformational Change

Ruth Ayres thinks about intentionally designing professional learning experiences to support transformational change by recognizing and lifting the heavy load many educators carry.

Coaching Minute: Encouraging Teacher Leaders

Instructional coach Jonathan Winslow shares how he intentionally creates leadership opportunities for the teachers he works alongside.

A PLC Planning Template to Help Focus Work with Teachers

Tara Barnett and Kate Mills share a PLC planning template they created to help focus their meetings to be relevant and clear. Included are links to download the template plus two completed templates to see how they worked in action.

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