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Three Expectations Regarding Grammar Instruction

Ruth Ayres outlines three expectations for school leaders to hold regarding grammar instruction.

Summer Work: Absorb the World

How will we prepare to lead strong literacy initiatives next year? Nawal Qarooni Casiano makes a case for recharging and disconnecting to allow ourselves to be naturally thoughtful, literate individuals.

Welcome Slides Set Professional Learning in Motion

David Pittman uses welcome slides to set a purpose and orient participants to the professional learning session.

Wrapping Up the School Year: Start, Stop, Keep

Nawal Qarooni Casiano leads educators through a reflection on equity and access by considering what we want to start, stop and keep in our practices.

Soft Starts to Meetings That Build Empathy

Tara Barnett and Kate Mills share soft starts to professional learning meetings designed to build empathy by providing opportunities for teachers to do the work of readers and writers, as well as connect with one another.

Virtual Icebreakers: Part 1

In this first installment of “Virtual Icebreakers,” Heather Fisher shares creative ideas for opening meetings in order to maintain strong staff relationships while meeting virtually.

Insight Before PD

Stella Villalba explains how professional development planning at a new site begins with lots of questions and observations.

Harnessing the Power of Change

David Pittman reflects on the change cycle and determines ways to make the best of it.

Trending Hashtags: Finding Priorities in a Unit of Study

Brian Sepe is inspired by trending hashtags and offers a step-by-step guide to lead colleagues in finding priorities in a unit of study.

Hidden Gems: Five Ways to Keep Your Positive Vibes

Heather Fisher shares five “hidden gems” she uses to keep her positive vibes strong.

Creating Savory Professional Development

Jennifer Allen explains how she builds in play, choice, and creativity in a study group for veteran teachers.

There You Are

Suzy Kaback uses the “My Life in Seven Stories” exercise from Jennifer Allen to coax teachers to write, share drafts, and connect their learning to crafting writing in classrooms.

Classroom Library Reflection

Ruth Ayres offers reflection questions for teachers to consider the way their classroom libraries can be updated to continue growing readers.

Jump Right In and Other Lessons Learned from Remote Coaching

From get rid of the laundry basket behind you to learn how to share your desktop in advance, Heather Fisher shares some practical tips for getting started with remote coaching.

Forces of Nature

Literacy can be seen as a “curricular bully” by science and math teachers, taking over the curriculum and many professional development sessions. Suzy Kaback faces that challenge when she adds poetry writing and visual arts to a session for STEM educators.

Making Time for Reflection

Reflection time is essential for literacy coaches. Cathy Mere shares practical tips for how she builds that time into her work with literacy coaches.

The 70% Rule

Stretch yourself, but not to the point of pain. Matt Renwick has practical tips for how leaders can continue to push themselves to grow and learn new things without succumbing to the hurry-up, stressed culture so prevalent around us.

Starting with Consensus

Suzy Kaback finds that consensus mapping is a powerful tool for leading teachers through any change process.

Mentor Texts for Teachers: Home Is a Place to Begin

Looking for mentor texts to help teachers write? Cathy Mere suggests you begin with home.

5 Reasons to Read Grown-Up Books

Shari Frost explains why even if you’re reading hundreds of children’s and YA books a year, it’s still essential to find room in your reading life for “grown-up” books.

Celebration and Reflection for Teacher Growth

Matt Renwick rejects the notion of “carrots and sticks” for school improvement when it comes to understanding and motivating teachers. He provides a template for a professional development session to help teachers celebrate and reflect upon growth.

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