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Seven Simple Steps to Happier Teachers

Joanne Emery offers seven simple ideas to help teachers feel seen, heard, and valued. Classrooms are more joyful and engaging when teachers are uplifted and refueled.

Overcoming the Blame Game

Ruth Ayres and Becca Burk consider the nuances of the aftermath when dysregulation happens and how members of a school community can avoid blaming one another for the situation and instead work together.

Using Metaphors and Analogies to Help Educators Shift Their Thinking and Change Their Practices

Matt Renwick shares the power of using metaphors and analogies during coaching conversations.

Ways to Support Colleagues Part 2

Ruth Ayres and Becca Burk share ways to strengthen our teamwork and help lower the stress levels of adults in the school when students exhibit dysregulated behaviors. This is the second installment of a two-part series.

Ways to Support Colleagues, Part 1

Ruth Ayres and Becca Burk share ways to strengthen our teamwork and help lower the stress levels of adults in the school when students exhibit dysregulated behaviors. This is the first installment of a two-part series.

Small Wins

Gwen Blumberg shares the struggle that since the pandemic fewer people are showing up for professional learning meetings. She helps us flip the potential negativity by encouraging us to look for small wins. Small wins are a simple way to bring joy to your work and the work of others—and that is in fact a very BIG thing.

Teacher and Coach, Side by Side: Affirmations for Leaders in Maintaining a Supportive Presence

Heather Fisher helps her father create a pizza pie in his new outdoor pizza oven. Through trial and perseverance, they finally taste success. Heather connects this experience to the importance of encouragement and presence as instructional coaches.

A Necessary Survey for Your School Community

Ruth Ayres and Becca Burk share a necessary survey for your school community to begin engaging in conversations about managing emotional dysregulation in students. Drawing on their extensive experiences with managing emotional dysregulation as foster parents and educators, they make a case for beginning conversations among your faculty with this simple survey.

Off the Hook: How to Engage with and Reframe Our Obstacles to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

Obstacles are a part of literacy leadership. Matt Renwick offers three steps to reframe our obstacles in order to reduce anxiety and stress.

Examining (and Changing) Our Literacy Beliefs over Time

Changing one’s mind in today’s educational world can feel risky. We fear looking incompetent or like we don’t know what we believe. Matt Renwick learned firsthand that when leaders share how their thinking and beliefs around literacy instruction has changed, it increases the level of respect from others.

Quiet Coaching

Matt Renwick offers insightful ideas about reaching colleagues who are resistant to coaching. Matt offers three steps and practical ideas to “quietly coach.”

Ways to Make Positive Momentum Happen in Sticky Situations

Instructional coach Paula Fiscus finds ways to establish positive momentum in a season of combining two schools into one.

How to Manage Our Frustrations in Difficult Times

Matt Renwick offers an insightful perspective on how anger arises in educators, where it comes from, and what to do about it.

The Joy of Learning Something New (or How Trying Something New I Totally Stank at Helped Increase My Understanding of the Learning Process)

Gwen Blumberg joins the Boston Roller Derby for a series of skills classes and immediately makes connections to the way students must feel when learning the complexity of reading. She shares how the importance of learning something new (especially something we aren’t good at) helps us remember the importance of joy to learning.

Coaching Minute: Ask for Help

Curriculum director Inga Omondi advises the best thing for leaders to do is ask for help.

Getting to Know You . . . More: A Midyear Idea for Helping Kids Tune (Back) In to Each Other

Helping students tune into each other is both an anchor for building classrooms where caring is common, and where, as a result, learning blooms. Suzy Kaback gives suggestions for creating conditions where students can get to know each other more throughout the school year.

Coaching to Empower

David Pittman addresses the unintended messages coaches send when they are too eager to help. David offers practical suggestions to ensure coaching validates and encourages rather than disempowers teachers.

Coaching Minute: Tough Meetings

Curriculum director Inga Omondi understands the tension that can build in meetings. She offers advice for instructional coaches on what to do after a tough meeting.

Play to Your Strengths

Julie Cox offers insight and encouragement to be confident in your own teaching strengths.

Building Consensus Through Connection

David Pittman led a divided staff in determining a list of classroom instructional agreements. Rather than becoming contentious, the committee found consensus through connection and understanding. David shares the process for establishing common ground and respect for colleagues while completing the task.

Coaching Minute: Change Can Be Rewarding

Instructional coach Paula Fiscus shares the notion that change is a catalyst for growth. Although change can be difficult and challenging, it is also rewarding.

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