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Maintaining an Inquiry Stance: Seeking to Enhance the Practice of Questioning in Leadership

Heather Fisher cracks open some of her secrets to developing and maintaining an inquiry stance as an instructional coach. If you’re looking to  strengthen your listening and feedback, this is a great place to begin.

Picture It: Planning Ahead

This photo captures the evidence of a teacher well prepared for the day.

Picture It: When Material-Use Goes Awry

In this Picture-It, Ruth Ayres prioritizes nurturing relationships with students when material-use goes awry.

Play to Your Strengths

Julie Cox offers insight and encouragement to be confident in your own teaching strengths.

Redesigning Experiences for Parents/Guardians Conferences

Stella Villalba questions the traditional practices of parent/guardian-teacher conferences. She offers a reflection and a call to action for everyone to consider the possibilities for more connection and equity during conference nights.

35 Ways Leaders Can Improve School Culture

Matt Renwick shares 35 actions leaders can take to create a stronger school culture. If you are a new leader, you can use this list and implement one a week throughout the school year.

A 30-Day Coaching Challenge

Stephanie Affinito invites instructional coaches to engage in a 30-Day Coaching Challenge designed to bring renewed enthusiasm and effectiveness to our work. Grab a notebook and get started today!

Classrooms as Spaces of Identity Development

Stella Villalba works with teachers to create classrooms that nurture and develop students’ identities. With this in mind, she leads teachers in building units that celebrate and affirm students while also meeting the expectations of standards. Included is a list of resources.

Investing in Our Collective Humanity: Nurturing an Intentional Cultural Life

Learning in communities, about communities, and from communities is the driving force behind Stella Villalba’s commitment to continually expand her knowledge of many cultures. In this article, Stella curates multimodal ways to expand your own experience and understanding.

Building Consensus Through Connection

David Pittman led a divided staff in determining a list of classroom instructional agreements. Rather than becoming contentious, the committee found consensus through connection and understanding. David shares the process for establishing common ground and respect for colleagues while completing the task.

The Power of Using a Viewing Lens

Lisa Mazinas offers a variety of “viewing lenses” for coaches to use when working alongside teachers. She shares practical advice as well as a variety of possibilities to help instructional coaches tailor their feedback in specific and useful ways.

Putting Together Powerful PD

Are you looking for a way to plan meaningful professional development sessions? Julie Cox suggests a simple outline: Present a basic question, and then provide something to do, something to take, and something to inspire.

Constantly Evolving Toward a Stronger Practice

In education much attention is paid to change and transformation. Cathy Mere challenges us to consider placing our focus on evolution and understanding that we are constantly evolving toward a new version of ourselves. In this personal essay, we will all find hope as we reach toward our strengths and use them to find our next steps forward.

Coaching in Community: Co-Creating Learning Spaces (Part I)

Stella Villalba suggests that we consider how to continue creating spaces where learning is co-created with a community. She encourages instructional leaders to share the ways they are learning (and unlearning) ideas for stronger literacy practices.

Read Alouds Aren’t Just for Children

Shared read aloud books are not just for children. Gwen Blumberg outlines the power of reading aloud with faculty.

Learning from Lasso: Cultivating a Coaching Mindset in New Literacy Coaches

Gwen Blumberg is inspired by Ted Lasso to consider intentional mindsets to foster success as a coach.

Coaching Minute: Change Can Be Rewarding

Instructional coach Paula Fiscus shares the notion that change is a catalyst for growth. Although change can be difficult and challenging, it is also rewarding.

Reclaiming What It Means to Flourish

Stella Villalba reclaims what it means for students to flourish by crafting a guidepost and action steps as a path to overcoming the deficit mentality that is too often part of conversations about learning.

How Do You Show Up?

Brian Sepe encourages instructional coaches to engage in self-reflection to better meet the needs of teachers. Using a simple matrix, Brian leads us to powerful realizations for showing up in meaningful ways.

Purposefully Plan PD to Support Transformational Change

Ruth Ayres thinks about intentionally designing professional learning experiences to support transformational change by recognizing and lifting the heavy load many educators carry.

Shopping in Your Own House: Searching Our Own Teaching Practice for New Ideas 

Heather Fisher explains how to lead colleagues to look for what they need within their own teaching practices before turning to Google or other sites for the answers.

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