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Mix It Up: Helping Young Writers Learn to Confer with Peers and Teachers

Ruth Shagoury models her own writing as a way to introduce the concept of conferring to young learners.

Peer Conferring: The Modeling Phase

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Peer Evaluation of Student Writing

Megan Ginther found she was spending too much time responding to student writing, and just as important, taking on too much of the responsibility for improvement. She tackled the issue by developing a new program for peer evaluation of student writing.

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Franki Sibberson explains how "next-read" stack conferences work in her grades 3-4 classroom.

Partner Reading: Helping Peers Teach Peers

In this video from Linda Karamatic’s second-grade classroom, two girls meet with Linda to develop tips to share with their classmates on how to partner read successfully.

Enlisting a Student as Coteacher

In this second video in a two-part series, Sean Moore invites second grader Isaiah to present his learning to the class.
