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Extreme Makeover: Revision Edition

Heather Rader finds short text and shared modeling of revision strategies are just the scaffolds students need to see the power of revision for improving writing.

Teaching Revision to Struggling Writers

Clare Landrigan and Tammy Mulligan offer three strategies to use during writing conferences with struggling students.

Teaching Revision Through Talk, Routines, and Drawing

Clare Landrigan and Tammy Mulligan have some practical advice for using drawing, talk, and routines as ways into understanding writing revision for learners in the primary grades.

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Fonts Lesson: A Revision Strategy for Transitional Writers

Franki Sibberson teaches a minilesson on fonts as a revision strategy for her grades 3 and 4 students.

Helping Richard Revise

Karen Terlecky coaxes Richard to cut extraneous material from his writing by highlighting the strengths of his writing first in this video from her fifth grade classroom.

Revising Writing: Fourth-Grade Conference

Tony Keefer confers with fourth grader Sydney about revising her writing and transitioning to a new genre early in the year.
