Reading Schedule and Meeting Agendas
Reading Schedule
Meeting 1: Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Meeting 2: Chapter 3
Meeting 3: Chapters 4
Meeting 4: Chapters 5
Meeting 5: Chapter 6
Meeting 6: Chapter 7
Meeting Agendas
A predictable structure will help make your book club successful. You can adjust the reading schedule, number of meetings and length of meetings to fit your needs. One structure is six 30 minute meetings. You can find a printable agenda in the resources section.
Getting Warmed Up (10 minutes)
Reading: Select a 2-4 page section for everyone to read at the start of book club. This allows time for people to remember the reading, as well as a way-in for those who did not complete the reading ahead of time.
Written Reflection: Matt offers reflection questions at the end of each chapter. Take time to write responses to these questions.
At the end of each session, participants write one thing they want to try on a sticky note and take it with them to put in a place they will see it often. Ask participants to bring the sticky note with them to the next session and give time for people to share about how it went for them.
Discussion (15 minutes)
Ask participants to select a passage or a reflection question they are interested in discussing. Use these ideas to guide the discussion.
You can also use the reflection questions as a springboard into the discussion.
Closure (5 minutes)
Invite each participant to make a sticky note commitment. Write one idea they want to consider or try on a sticky note. Then post the sticky note in a place they will see it often. Encourage participants to bring the sticky note back to the next meeting in order to share how the idea is going.
Making Study Group Special
It is likely optional for teachers to join your book club. Consider ways to make it special. Jen Allen shares ways she gives small gifts to study group participants in a video linked below. Heather Fisher’s article “Takeout Book Club” is also linked below.
agenda | Study Group Agenda | Download |

Study Group Gifts
Jennifer Allen explains why she always budgets for small study-group gifts, and shares how they build connections between the groups and teaching practice.