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This is a lovely poem with a message about how poetry can move us, and why it is essential in classrooms.

The Rolling Pin: Looking into Things

Celebrating simple, ordinary things – it’s what poetry and learning are all about.

Life on the Edge

"Life on the Edge" compares the energy and purpose of birds in a nest to daily life in classrooms.  It's the perfect metaphor for the fast pace of our teaching lives.

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Weekend Headlines: Introduction

In this first of a three-part video series, Katie Doherty and her sixth grade students begin the Weekend Headlines activity. Each Monday, students listen to Katie share some of the headlines from the local newspaper and then share their "headlines" from the weekend.

“I Am the One Who . . .” Building Writing Skills and Community in Middle Schools

In this 12-minute video, Katie Doherty leads her sixth-grade students as they try the prompt “I am the one who . . .” during writing workshop. This is an excellent activity for building classroom community.

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