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Digital Literacy Workshop

Maria Caplin has suggestions for making transitions to digital literacy in reading and writing workshops.

Digital Boards for Formative Assessment

Katharine Hale has moved much of her reading response to digital boards, which are also a useful tool for formative assessment.

Reader Response in the Digital Age

Franki Sibberson has suggestions for moving to more digital response options with students.

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Status of the Class and Monitoring Behavior

In this early year video from Beth Lawson’s second-grade classroom, Beth uses a writing status-of-the-class time to help students monitor their behavior, using peers as role models.

Tracking Thinking While Reading

Melissa Styger confers with a fourth-grade student using a template to help students track thinking and comprehension.

Stop and Track: Conferring with a Fifth-Grade Reader

In this conference with a 5th grader, Aimee Buckner shares two strategies — one to use when putting a book away between readings, and another to help keep track of characters in a complex narrative where the point of view is constantly shifting.
