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Ten Ways to Celebrate Writers

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Importance of Talk in Writing Workshop

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Authentic Audience

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A Poem About Lost Friendship: Conferring with Estelle

Estelle shares a poem she has written about lost friendship with her teacher, Katherine Sokolowski. She captures the fickle nature of fifth-grade relationships among girls. Katherine connects the cadence of the writing to the style of The Crossover, and helps Estelle find possibilities for more writing.

Object Poetry Lesson in Second Grade

Linda Karamatic explores poetry with her second graders. She displays poems students have written and teaches them about fresh language using a poem about a pencil sharpener.

Anchor Lesson: Analyzing a Poem

Leslie Lloyd teaches the second part of her anchor lesson to third graders. In this installment, they look at literal and figurative language in the Donald Graves poem "Bully."
