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Goal-Setting Ideas for Students

Melanie Meehan shares a wealth of ideas for better goal-setting with students.

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Setting small-group goals can be tricky, and the complexity is compounded when you are working with English language learners. Kate Mills explains her goal-setting process with K-3 ELLs, and gives examples of how it works.

Goals to Habits in First Grade

Bitsy Parks finds goals aren’t enough for her first-grade students—real growth requires that the goals eventually become habits. She develops a process mid-year to help children refine their goals step-by-step.

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Leslie Lloyd begins an anchor lesson by setting a goal with her third graders. This is the first video in a four-part series.

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Minilesson: Measurable Reading Goals in Fourth Grade

Gigi McAllister has her fourth graders consider what makes a reading goal measurable.
