Getting Colleagues Excited About a Professional Book Club

Here are three ways to start spreading the word about book club!

Offer an Invitation at a Staff Meeting

At a staff meeting, share the overview video of Why Do I Have to Read This? by Cris Tovani. Here is a link to the video on  the book page at Stenhouse. You will need to scroll down to see the video.

Ask teachers if they students who ask “Why do I have to read this?” Give time for teachers to talk about their students.

Share a video of Cris talking about her student, Ugo. Play video from 2:51 – 4:06.

Share the commitment to book club. A suggested commitment is five 30 minute meetings. You can make the schedule work with your school.

Invite teachers to sign-up for book club.

Bite-Sized PD

Jen Court shares an idea for attaching a QR code to a bite-sized candy bar. You can read the article below. Also, don’t miss the PDF in the resources of a bite-sized invitation to this book club.

Takeout Book Club

Consider a creative approach to book club like Heather Fisher shares in her article “Takeout Book Club.” In Heather’s school she organizes a book club during lunch and arranges for take out lunches. You won’t have to worry about people wanting to join book club if takeout lunches for teachers is part of the deal!

bite-size pd Bite-Sized PD: Tovani Download
Bite-Sized PD

Jen Court shares a “sweet” idea for practical and meaningful professional learning. Download a template to tailor professional learning for your school.

Takeout Book Club

Teachers may not have time for one more meeting—but they still have to eat! Heather Fisher combines the fun of lunch takeout with book discussions to boost interest and attendance.
