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Christy Rush-Levine has been a middle school language arts teacher since 2000, a Choice Literacy contributor since 2014, and a college instructor since 2017. She lives and works in a suburb of Chicago. Christy blogs at interstice: not the lines; the spaces between. She can be found on Twitter (@CRushLevine) and Instagram (@rushreads and @rushcl).
Leigh Anne Eck has been teaching for 13 years and currently teaches 6th grade at George Rogers Clark Middle School in Vincennes, Indiana. She is passionate about connecting her students with books and helping teachers believe they are writers. She shares her reading, writing, and teaching life on her blog A Day in the Life and on Twitter @Teachr4.
This PD2Go focuses on giving secondary students an opportunity to respond to poetry each week.
This PD2Go focuses on giving a practical approach to assessing students' understandings of theme by using a one-page reading response by pairing an article by Christy Rush-Levine with a minilesson video with Dana Murphy.
This PD2Go focuses on supporting students as they develop their opinions by pairing an article by Leigh Anne Eck with a minilesson video of Christy Rush-Levine.