In this video quick take, Katie Doherty explains why she finds a timer helpful in her middle school writing workshop.

In this video quick take, Katie Doherty explains why she finds a timer helpful in her middle school writing workshop.
Katie Doherty is an avid reader and writer. And who better to read and write with than a gaggle of 6th graders in Portland, Oregon? Through reading and writing workshops in her 6th grade language arts classroom, Katie and her students work to build the essential community they need to thrive as readers, writers, learners, and thinkers. Together, they all learn to take risks.
Ann Williams has a terrific idea for keeping materials organized in literacy workshops and building student independence at the same time.
Ruth Shagoury provides a workshop model for teacher leaders looking to encourage respectful conversation with new teachers on the topics that are near and dear to them.
The #1 issue for many new teachers is management. Heather Rader shares how she tactfully assisted a novice teacher who needed help.
In this two-minute Quick Take video, Katie Doherty explains the choices students have in her sixth-grade reading workshop.
Katie Doherty shares how she has organized her 6th grade classroom to support students at her bustling middle school.
Katie Doherty demonstrates for her middle school students how quotes can lift the quality of writing, using student and literary examples in this 11-minute video.