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I Need a Hero: Finding a Place for Comics and Graphic Novels in Our Classrooms

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Mentor Texts for a Writing Study in Graphica

Graphica readers often want to become graphica writers. Franki Sibberson weeds through the books and leaves us with the "good stuff" for mentor texts.

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Writing Comics: Introducing the Activity

In this lesson from a fourth-grade classroom, Sarah Thibault introduces students to a writing activity. Students will be creating their own comic books, after extensive preparation and experience with mentor texts.

Learning from Graphica: Class Discussion

This is the third installment of a video series on using graphica in a 4th grade classroom. In this episode, Sarah Thibault debriefs with her class after writing workshop. Students are creating their own comic books, after extensive preparation and multiple reading and writing activities.

Book Matchmaker: Graphic Novels for a 6th Grader

Franki Sibberson has graphic novel suggestions for 6th grade girls.
