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Grouping: Who? How Big? How Often?

In this first installment of a series on grouping, Heather Rader considers size, composition, and frequency.

The Five-Minute Solution: Mini-Groups after Minilessons to Maximize Conferring Time

Aimee’ Buckner’s mini-groups are an easy and simple way to differentiate instruction in workshops, and save time when conferring.

Power Tools

Aimee Buckner shares three essential "power tools" for writers.

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Rule of 3: Mini-Group After Whole-Class Lesson

In this second video of a three-part series showing a teaching progression for the Rule of 3, Aimee Buckner has asked students who might want a little more information or help after the whole-class lesson to stay for a small group.

4th Grade Small Group: Writing Paragraphs

In this video, Aimee Buckner uses a mentor text to demonstrate how writers construct lively nonfiction paragraphs.

From Questions to Drafts

Aimee Buckner shares the mentor text Could You? Would You? with her 4th grade students. Aimee explains how questions are a springboard to interesting writing topics, and models connections she makes to the text.
