Related PD2Gos
Making Predictions and Finding Evidence in Text

In this video from a 5th grade small group, Clare Landrigan talks with students about making predictions and finding evidence in text. The text used is Jean Little's Hey World, Here I Am! Poems and short essays are excellent choices for small-group comprehension work, because the text can be read, reread, and discussed in just a few minutes.

Staying Focused in Literacy Workshops

Clare Landrigan meets with a group of four 5th graders to talk about goal setting in reading workshop. Each student leaves with a specific goal for their reading.

Conferring About Stamina in 3rd Grade

In this conference with third-grade student Jeffrey, Beth Lawson helps this young reader think through the importance of developing stamina to get through the first 50 pages of a book. Beth connects the conference to a wall chart the class developed earlier in the year.
