Related PD2Gos
Scaring Up Better Narratives Part I

Aimee Buckner leads a lesson on brainstorming topics in writer's notebooks using the mentor text Some Things Are Scary. In this first installment of a three-part series, Aimee reads the book and models her own thinking process and use of a writer's notebook.

Supporting Thoughtful Book Choice in Grades 3-4

In this video filmed in the spring, Franki Sibberson helps her third and fourth grade students think through what books they might select for independent reading. The discussion ranges from new books available in the class library, to individual quirks and preferences.

Nonfiction Word Hunt

Word study and nonfiction reading are combined in Franki Sibberson's whole-group nonfiction word hunt activity. Each child shares which word he or she found, where it was found, and reflects on what the discoveries mean to the community of word learners.
