Related PD2Gos
Fonts Lesson: A Revision Strategy for Transitional Writers

Franki Sibberson teaches a minilesson on fonts as a revision strategy for her grades 3 and 4 students.

Revising Titles Minilesson

In this minilesson from Franki Sibberson's grades 3 and 4 classroom, Franki takes students through the process of selecting and revising titles. For young students having trouble understanding that writing revision involves more than just adding text, a minilesson on revising titles is a quick and easy way to show the power of making small changes to drafts.

Supporting Thoughtful Book Choice in Grades 3-4

In this video filmed in the spring, Franki Sibberson helps her third and fourth grade students think through what books they might select for independent reading. The discussion ranges from new books available in the class library, to individual quirks and preferences.
