Related PD2Gos
Linking Morning Message, Poetry, and Word Learning

In this video, second graders start off their morning by reading a message out loud. Linda Karamatic has included a challenging word to discuss meaning. Students also share out what they are thinking about and how they are using words from their “Words, Words, Words” board.

Poetry and Fluency Minilesson in Second Grade

Sean Moore uses poetry for a short minilesson on fluency, and then follows with a partner share and vocabulary discussion. The poem Sean reads with the children is "The Busy Ant" by Mary Ann Hoberman.

Conferring About Stamina in 3rd Grade

In this conference with third-grade student Jeffrey, Beth Lawson helps this young reader think through the importance of developing stamina to get through the first 50 pages of a book. Beth connects the conference to a wall chart the class developed earlier in the year.
