Related PD2Gos
Nonfiction Read Aloud (Part 1)

Sean Moore engages his second graders in a read aloud of the book Plants That Eat Animals. Sean varies the ways the students respond to the read aloud. He also chooses to read the text without showing any visual supports when he wants the students to create mental images, focus on vocabulary, or make connections between the text and their experiences.

Accuracy and Comprehension: Conferring in 2nd Grade

In this video, Sean confers with a second grader who is working on reading the actual print words vs. substituting words that make sense in context, but may alter the meaning slightly. She begins by summarizing her series book and then they work toward the goal. Sean reinforces what is really important for her as a reader.

Nonfiction Read Aloud (Part 2)

Sean Moore is reading Plants That Eat Animals to his second graders. He asks students to listen for short periods of time, and then has them remember two facts and do a think pair share quickly.
